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The Contessa Corner

A forum for Contessa owners, sailors and dreamers.

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The Contessa Corner

The Contessa Corner Discussion Forums

Forums in this category with details of topics, posts, last post

Front page news

Comments and discussions on stories running on the Contessa Corner front page.


Around the lake, around the world. Plans, preparations and accounts of cruising the Contessa 26 way.

Boat handling / Performance

Weather helm, heel angle, hull speed. All those things about handling a Contessa 26 or how she performs.


Whether you've fixed it or you need to, we want to know about it.

Sails & Rigging

All about our canvas wings and the lines that hold them up.

General Questions/Comments

General Contessa 26 talk that isn't better off in another area.


Technical information, from hull-deck joints to mast angle, overall length including rudder stock to thru-hull diameters.

Lake Ontario Contessa 26 Association

Posts regarding the Lake Ontario Contessa 26 Association.

Non-Contessa Chatter

Non-Contessa talk that doesn't fit anywhere else.

Site Support/Comments

Comments or questions about


Forums in this category with details of topics, posts, last post

For Sale

Things for sale by members.


Things wanted by members.

Forum statistics

  • Total number of registered users: 858
  • Newest registered user: 3246hugh
  • Total number of topics: 1,296
  • Total number of posts: 6,834

Currently online: 13 guests, 0 registered users